Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Reduce Waist Size & Lose Weight – Small Calorie Reductions Will Work

It takes most people years to become overweight, and the habits that got them there cannot be reversed overnight.  

While these habits cannot be changed overnight, changing habits does not have to be a struggle either.

By simply making some minute changes to your eating habits you can still reduce waist size and lose weight. 

If you simply lessen the amount of calories you eat by a hundred or so per day, that will add up to be a huge reduction over the period of a year.  That seemingly small reduction can lose weight and reduce waist size and may well be the fastest weight loss diet or prescription for you.

And if you happen to feel hungrier by doing this, you can fight that hunger by drinking a full glass of water 1/2 hour before eating and the extra hunger you are experiencing will subside and you will still begin to lose weight and reduce waist size.

Another way to fight the hunger is to replace the same quantity of low value food or drink (like chocolate and alcohol) with higher nutritional value food and this helps you to lose fat and reduce your waist size as well.

By reducing your calories a little at a time, you will enjoy these new more nutritious foods because your brain will have become conditioned to expect and to enjoy them and you will meet your goal to reduce waist size.

Think it will not work so easily and that you will not have the same enjoyment out of food and drink ever again?  Think again because when you condition your brain to accept something new then your enjoyment of it increases.

An example will help you see how this works to lose weight and reduce waist size.  Those people who stop eating sweet chocolate containing a large amount of processed sugar in favor of less sweet chocolate, then return to a piece of that higher sugar content chocolate will now find it too sweet, because their mind has been conditioned to eat the less sugar type of chocolate.

There are many ways to reduce your waist size and lose weight, like exercise etc., but experts find that to keep the weight off, manipulation of nutrition has a high chance of insuring that the weight loss will be permanent.

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